Villagers trekking to safe area after hearing reports that their village may be flooded by overflowing dam/lake. This picture gives you an idea of the difficulty of the terrain. (Click on picture for better view, it's so dangerous.) An aftershock or a landslide could easily kill these people. Indeed, I commend all the rescuers, they are risking their lives to save others.

photo courtesy of Nir Elias/Reuters
The village of Yinshiu was almost completely destroyed. This does not look like the aftermath of an earthquake, it looks like a bomb had been dropped on the village.

Here is what you can do to help. I have done some research online, and the consensus amongst Americans who work in the non profit area in China is that the Red Cross Society of China is the best organization to make your donation. Below is the bank account detail (for US currency donations) I obtained from the Chinese Red Cross' website. I made a wire transfer this afternoon. Please make sure you ask your bank whether there will be extra fees. If so, ask for a waiver. WAMU did not charge me anything to make the wire transfer. It is a bit of a hassle but your contribution will go directly to the organization that is most involved in the relief efforts instead of going through middle people.
Beneficiary: Red Cross Society of China
Account No. 7112111482600000209
Swift Code: CIBKCNBJ100
China CITIC Bank Beijing
Jiuxianqiao Sub-Branch
C&W Tower, No. 14
Jiuxianqiao Street, Chaoyang District
Beijing, China
Zip Code: 100016
Red Cross Society of China's Address (your bank will need this too)
Number 8 Beixinqiao Third Road
Dongcheng District
100007 Beijing, China
Alternatively, you can donate to American Red Cross' China Earthquake Relief fund at the link below. The American Red Cross has made a commitment of contributing US$10 million in cash to the Chinese Red Cross.
American Red Cross