A baby was rescued. Sadly, his mom perished in the quake. When they found her, she was in a kneeling position protecting her baby with her body. Isn't he a precious little bundle?

This eleven year old boy carried his three year old sister for over ten hours to trek to a safe area. What a wonderful brother! (Their parents are migrant laborers working elsewhere and their grandparents were too weak to carry the sister.)

Students lining up for lunch at the Green Stone School in a photo taken before the quake.

The Green Stone provides education to children from impoverished families. The school was completely destroyed by the earthquake. But the children fortunately all made it out to the courtyard before the building collapsed. The three kids on the left could totally be cast in the Chinese version of the Little Rascals! Photo courtesy of Ralph Johnson at http://my.telegraph.co.uk/wiseralph_in_west_china/
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