I thought I'd be like "meh" when I see the Eiffel Tower... it's like the obligatory touristy thing to do. But when I saw it in person tonight, I was like "wow." It is truly a marvel... I can't imagine how people wowed when it was built over 100 years ago... they probably couldn't close their mouths!

This is what's underneath... it has a hollow center.

Arc de Trioumphe

Strolling along the Champs-Elysees

Cold-cut platter for dinner... I know, it's kind of un-French but not too hungry today!
Yum! Looks German. And tasty. It doesn't look as cold as I imagine Paris in December.
Where are all the sugary delicious treats like croissants and madeleines? If you see something called a caneles, EAT IT. It's so good, like the bread version of creme brulee.
It looks like this, and it's small like a mini cupcake. http://www.douceurdefrance.com/canele/DSC01681.jpg
Yes, MUCH better than sushi in Istanbul! -J
P - it is very cold here, I regret not bringing a hat, oh, didn't know a canele looked like that! Will try to try it... so busy!
Yep J, it is better than sushi in Istanbul, haha.
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