This is what they eat: giant red bugs and they are only $3.50/lb. Why so cheap?! Me want some!
They also eat crabmelt... wow, Bella you take good food pics!
And lobster BLT... yours truly has just collapsed from food envy... wiping away drool.
House in Maine... cool color contrast... love little red boats (update: canoes)!
The male species of Mainers catching food...
So scenic!
This is what my kind looks like in Maine... I think M is sooo cute! Love the little tongue sticking out. Just want to smother him (update, M is a girl) with hugs and kisses.
Oh, my cod I lobster never flounder.
Huh, r u speaking Mainish?
You made J cry. No lobsters for us?!
Welcome to the lobster crying club! I was like wah when I heard 3.50 a pound. Bella, look what you've done!
If it makes you feel any better. It was mostly cloudy, rainy and in the high 50's - 60's. No tank top or shorts for this explorer. But lobstah eating wuz good.
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