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Monday, September 5, 2011

Foot in Mouth Award of the Year goes to...

Five of us were at the Las Brisas Restaurant in Laguna Beach on a moonlit night. The restaurant overlooked the ocean and we could see waves crashing into the beach... and far away, shimmering lights from million dollar homes dotted the slopes of Laguna Hills.

We were casually chatting, enjoying coffee and desserts. For some reason, we started talking about airlines -- Jetblue had direct flights between DC and Long Beach, Southwest has cheap fares, and C commented that he didn't like American because X, Y and Z and we got into a conversation about American's inflight services...

There was a family of four sitting next to us (the tables were close). Suddenly the husband started talking loudly -- how dare they not like Americans when they are in America, and if they don't like Americans, they can go back to where they came from... They looked like they were tourists from the Midwest. We are a party of five with four "minorities" and it became apparent to us that his complaints were directed at us not liking "American"...

I turned around said to him: we were talking about airlines. We do not like American, but we like Jetblue, Southwest, USAirways, United...


She-Hulk said...

LOL go Cat! That's what people get for eavesdropping on conversations.

Cat said...

That's right, wrath of the kitty Cat for eavesdroppers :)

J said...

What did they say after you said that?

Cat said...

The guy was like oh yeah I don't like American either and blahblahblah... But my friends were pretty pissed and they got up and left....